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Information on the processing of personal data
pursuant to Art. 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and current national legislation

Pursuant to and for the purposes of the cited legislation, we wish to inform you in advance both of the use of your personal data and of your rights, by providing you with the following information:

This information refers to the processing of personal data during navigation and use of the website only.

Other specific information related to the services provided by Agenzia Immobiliare Azzurra will be provided to you in the context of the provision of the requested services.

Agenzia Immobiliare Azzurra located at Via Aquileia 140 - 30016 Jesolo Lido (Venice) Italy, to which this website refers, is a business that provides various services managed by the following entities:
   - Casa Vacanze Sas di Simonetto Federico e C. tax code 04099310270
   - Immobiliare Azzurra individual firm of Simonetto Alessandro tax code SMNLSN71R20F205C
These entities, in order to meet structural and organizational needs and to ensure continuity to the clients who refer to Agenzia Immobiliare Azzurra as a whole, share this website and have identified as the privacy contact address the email address;

An extract relating to the co-ownership of the personal data processed through this site is published in the Privacy section of the site itself.

The personal data collected through the navigation and use of this website are:
    a) Browsing data (as described in the specific Cookies Policy);
    b) Data directly entered by users in contact and property search forms;
    c) Email address for newsletter subscription.
These data (unless specifically indicated in the cookies section) are of a common nature.
The personal data that may be indicated with the voluntary completion of the "Message" field in the contact request form are not preemptively of an identifiable nature. Users are advised not to send messages containing "particular" data (so-called sensitive data; e.g. health data) unless strictly necessary.

The personal data in point a), collected through the navigation of the website, may be of a technical nature (and therefore necessary for navigation) or of other types described in the specific Cookies Policy. At each first access to the site, the specific Information relating to cookies is displayed, and choices are requested for each type of cookie used on the website.

The personal data in point b), collected through the completion of forms on this website, are necessary for the provision of property search services and to respond to freely entered contact requests. The provision of data related to property preferences is functional to the search itself (number of rooms, number of occupants, geographic area, etc.), and if not entered, no results are produced. The provision of contact data is free, and the collection of the same follows the need to respond to the user's contact request.

The email address in point c), is collected, subject to the specific consent of the user, to respond to the request for newsletter subscription. The provision of this address is not mandatory for the use of the website's content.

Your data will be made known to our internal administrative staff and our external collaborators, whose list is available at our office, and will also be communicated to our service providers such as IT service companies, outsourcing companies, consultants and freelancers, insurance companies, debt collection companies, fraud control companies, bodies and/or patronages, companies or entities appointed by us responsible for the specific processing, and whose list is at your disposal at our office; to the competent Authorities where provided for by law.

Some of your Personal Data is transferred to Recipients who may be located outside the European Economic Area. The Data Controller ensures that the electronic and paper processing of your Personal Data by the Recipients takes place in compliance with the Applicable Regulations. In fact, transfers are alternatively based on an adequacy decision or on the Standard Model Clauses approved by the European Commission. More information and a copy of these agreements are available at our office.

All personal data provided will be processed in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, correctness, relevance, and proportionality, only with the methods, including IT and telematic methods, strictly necessary to pursue the purposes described above. In any case, personal data will be retained for a period of time not exceeding that strictly necessary to achieve the indicated purposes.
For the data in point a) see the specific indications in the Cookies Policy.
For the data in point b) the data retention will follow the time frame of the provision of the requested service and no more than 2 years after the conclusion of the same.
For the data in point c) the retention will last from the provision of consent to processing until its revocation. Consent is revocable upon receipt of each promotional email through the unsubscribe link located at the footer of the email, or by writing to and requesting to be removed from the mailing list.

Personal data for which retention is not necessary in relation to the indicated purposes will be deleted or transformed into anonymous form. It should be noted that the IT systems used for the management of the collected information are configured, from the outset, to minimize the use of data.

The current legislation (Articles 15-22 of the GDPR) guarantees you the right to access your data at any time, as well as to their correction and/or integration if inaccurate or incomplete, to their deletion or to the limitation of their processing if the conditions are met, to object to their processing for reasons related to your particular situation, to the portability of the data you have provided, where processed automatically for the contractual services you have requested, within the limits of what is provided by the Regulation (Art. 20 of the GDPR); to revoke consent at any time, limited to cases where processing is based on your consent for one or more specific purposes and concerns common personal data. The processing based on consent and carried out before its revocation retains, in any case, its lawfulness.
Agenzia Immobiliare Azzurra is at your disposal for any doubts or clarifications: to this end, you can contact us at the indicated office or at the address where you can also contact us, in addition to exercising your rights, to know the updated list of the categories of data recipients. Your right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Authority, the Privacy Guarantor, remains unaffected, where deemed necessary for the protection of your personal data and your rights in this matter.

Regarding the processing of your personal data for the purposes of sending informational and promotional material (newsletter), we inform you that:

Joint Controllers of the Processing are Casa Vacanze Sas di Simonetto Federico e C. and Immobiliare Azzurra individual firm of Simonetto Alessandro
Purpose of the processing: sending of informational and promotional material
Provision of consent: failure to subscribe to the newsletter will not impose any limitations on commercial relations with Agenzia Immobiliare Azzurra, which may still contact you at the provided contacts (including the email address) regarding information related to the requested service but not for promotional or advertising purposes.
Method of provision: you can subscribe to the newsletter, after viewing this Information, by checking the consent request and clicking the Subscribe button.
Revocation of consent: at any time, consent to the sending of the newsletter can be revoked by writing to or by using the unsubscribe link present at the end of each received message. The revocation is effective from the moment it is sent and does not concern the messages received previously.
Rights of the interested party: you can exercise the rights indicated in the Information pursuant to Art. 13 by writing to the address or by contacting the office of the Agency.